
Showing 10 of 42 Posts |

1929. Concatenation of Array | LeetCode Solution | JavaScript | Easy

> LeetCode Problem - Link [] PROBLEM Given an integer array nums of length n, you want to create an array ans of length 2n where ans[i] == nums[i] and ans[i + n] == nums[i] for 0 <= i < n (...

Godot - Hitstop Implementation | GD Script | Autoload/Singleton Pattern

Game DevelopmentGodotGame Feel
ADDING A HITSTOP SINGLETON/AUTOLOAD TO YOUR GODOT PROJECT Here's my basic code for a Hitstop implementation, I usually put it up as a singleton/autoload node in my project so it can be called from anywhere globally. extends Node2D var original_timescale = 1.0 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): pass # Replace with f...

Kamikaze Kittens Documentation and Dev-logs

Game DevelopmentDev LogKamikaze Kittens
This is an index page for the devlogs/documentation for a game called Kamikaze Kittens that I'm currently building. I use this page to refer to notes and documentation about the game. GAME DOCS DEV LOGS 1. Kamikaze Kit []...

2810. Faulty Keyboard | LeetCode Solution | JavaScript | Easy

> LeetCode Problem - Link [] PROBLEM Your laptop keyboard is faulty, and whenever you type a character 'i' on it, it reverses the string that you have written. Typing other characters works as expected. You are given a 0-indexed...